You Spoke Loud and Clear #thanksTFL

The entire team here at TFL is stunned by the hundreds of pictures and messages you posted to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and elsewhere. It means so much to us that you are watching our reviews and buying trucks based on the TFL videos. Thanks for sending a very clear and loud message to the manufacturers that you value what we do #thankyouTFLfans !

Less than two days ago, we asked you to let us know if a TFLcar, TFLtruc, TFLoffroad, TFLnow, or TFLclassics video affected your car or truck buying decision. If that was the case, we asked you to use the #thanksTFL hashtag.

We are indeed overwhelmed by your response. Below I paste a gallery of your messages with images that received over the last day. Thank you for your feedback! Check out all the the trucks that you submitted!

Andre Smirnov
Andre Smirnov is an Automotive Enthusiast, Producer, Reviewer, Videographer, Writer, Software Engineer, Husband, Father, and Friend.