What Do You Think? New Look and Feel for TFLtruck.com? [Poll]

    tflcar website
    New design of TFLcar.com website

    We do not stand still at TFLtruck and TFLcar. TFL is constantly evolving and adjusting to the highly competitive landscape of the automotive world. We also value your feedback as we are in the middle of upgrading our websites with a new look and feel. We aim to improve your experience at TFLtruck.com with easier navigation, more options, and a better experience on mobile devices.

    You may have noticed that we recently upgraded TFLcar.com (see the screenshot above). The website has gone through several adjustments since then.

    We are in the process of upgrading TFLtruck.com and would like your feedback. Please use the poll and the comments section below to provide your input. Please select your top three choices in the poll.

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    Andre Smirnov
    Andre Smirnov is an Automotive Enthusiast, Producer, Reviewer, Videographer, Writer, Software Engineer, Husband, Father, and Friend.